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        Genre: New Releases

        Title Description Composer Voicing

        Sing Out!


        Sing Out! was commissioned for Australian Society of Music Education Conference 2005 as the opening massed work. It is a short, fun, rhythmic piece to be sung ‘with joy’.

        Hombres, Victoria, Victoria (from Three Motets after Victoria)


        The third of Joseph Twist’s “Victoria Triptych”. Suitable for concert use, and liturgically especially at Christmas.

        The recording (below) is by the Choir of St James Church, King Street, Sydney. A pronunciation guide is also here.


        Victory, mankind! Because against all of hell, The crying of a tender child ensures our glory.

        Available in the set of Three Motets after Victoria, found here – not available singly.

        Lamentation of Jeremiah (from Three Motets after Victoria)


        The second of Joseph Twist’s “Victoria Triptych” this piece quotes from Victoria’s Lamentation, adding new modern elements clothed in a rich, plaintive harmonic language. Suitable for concert and liturgical use, and making musical references to Victoria’s Lamentations throughout.

        Available in the set of Three Motets after Victoria, linked here – not available singly.

        Versa est in Luctum


        Number one of Twist’s “Victoria Triptych”. My harp is tuned for lamentation, and my flute to the voice of those who weep. Spare me, O Lord, for my days are as nothing (trans. Miguel Iglesias)

        Available in the set of Three Motets after Victoria, linked here – not available singly.